Genetic Diversity of Curcuma sp. in Surat Thani Province Using SSR Markers


  • Rata Wasdang 1 Agricultural Science and Technology, Faculty of Innovative Agriculture and Fishery Establishment Project, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus, Surat Thani 84000
  • Yaowaphan Sontikun 1 Agricultural Science and Technology, Faculty of Innovative Agriculture and Fishery Establishment Project, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus, Surat Thani 84000
  • Suraphon Thitithanakul 1 Agricultural Science and Technology, Faculty of Innovative Agriculture and Fishery Establishment Project, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus, Surat Thani 84000
  • Wigunda Rattanapun 1 Agricultural Science and Technology, Faculty of Innovative Agriculture and Fishery Establishment Project, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus, Surat Thani 84000


Genetic diversity, SSR molecular marker, Turmeric species


The genus Curcuma classified within the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), possesses a wide range of beneficial properties. As demand for turmeric rises in the market, there is a pressing need to expand cultivation areas. However, the knowledge regarding high-yielding and quality cultivars is still limited. Therefore, this study investigates the genetic diversity of turmeric in Surat Thani Province by using SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) molecular marker techniques. Results reveal the efficacy of all 8 SSR primers in amplifying DNA, total 17 bands ranging from 100 to 400 bp. Additionally, 11 polymorphic bands, constituting 39.58% of the total, were observed. SSR1 and SSR8 exhibited the highest diversity, with bands ranging from 100-400 bp and 100% polymorphism.  SSR1 produced four polymorphic bands, observed in Khamin Duang, Khamin Chan, and Khamin Aoi, while SSR8 generated four bands observed in Khamin Chan and Khamin Khaw, with three and two bands respectively. These findings contribute valuable insights into the genetic diversity of turmeric, facilitating the development of molecular markers for future turmeric breeding programs.


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How to Cite

Wasdang, R., Sontikun, Y. ., Thitithanakul, S., & Rattanapun, W. . (2024). Genetic Diversity of Curcuma sp. in Surat Thani Province Using SSR Markers. Songklanakarin Journal of Plant Science, 11(2), 74–81. Retrieved from



03-Plant Molecular Biology