Morphological Characteristics, Hydrogen Peroxide Content and Antioxidant Enzyme Activity in Rubber Homograft and Heterograft
Para rubber, Rootstock, Scion, Compatibility, Reactive oxygen speciesAbstract
Plant propagation is one of processes to increase plant number and to be used for plant genetic conservation. Para rubber is propagated by many methods such as seeds, cleft grafting or budding. Budding is widely and effectively used for para rubber tree propagation. However, there could be problems with graft compatibility between rootstock and scion. The grafting healing process may trigger oxidative stress. Plants have mechanisms for producing antioxidants to prevent damage of plant tissues at budding sites. The aim of this study was to investigate morphological and biochemical responses of budded para rubbers by comparing the homograft budding (RRIM 600 / RRIM 600) with heterograft budding (RRIM 600 / PB5/51) of rubber. The results showed that heterograft gave a higher percentage of budding success than homograft at 81.58% and shorter new shoot formation times at 6 days. The higher average new-shoot height, canopy diameter and average number of leaves were obtained from homograft. RRIM 600 / RRIM 600 was likely to increase H2O2 while RRIM 600 / PB5/51 showed the increasing H2O2 after 3-7 days of budding but greatly reduced after 14-21 days. In addition, RRIM 600 / RRIM 600 showed the decrease of SOD APX CAT and POD activities while RRIM 600 / PB5/51 showed the increase of APX, CAT and POD activities. Therefore, the compatibility between scion and rootstock could possibly affect morphological and biochemical responses.
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