Growth and Yield of Brassica chinensis and Brassica albaglabra Treated with Different Organic Fertilizers
Cow manure, Granular organic fertilizer, Waste materialAbstract
Organic fertilizers are essential for improving the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil, which makes it more conducive to plant growth. They also help to conserve soil and water and reduce production costs for farmers. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of organic fertilizers on the growth and yield of Pak Choi (Brassica chinensis var. chinensis) and Kale mushrooms (Brassica alboglabra L.) in a farmer's plot in Koh Taew Subdistrict, Mueang District, Songkhla Province. The randomized complete block design (RCBD) experiment was conducted with four replications and three experimental materials: cow manure, FMP granular organic fertilizer (Farmers formula), and AGP granular organic fertilizer (factory formula). Each fertilizer formulation was applied at a rate of 2 tons per rai. The two vegetables used in the study were Pak choi and Kale mushrooms. It was found that the use of cow manure significantly promoted the growth and increased yield of Pak choi, with a number of leaves/plant of 13.25, leaf greenness (SPAD units) of 46.85, height of 22.02 cm, canopy width of 19.40 cm, and yield of 1,735.30 kg/rai (P<0.05). The use of organic fertilizers in all formulas did not significantly affect the number of leaves (5.40-5.90 leaves/plant), leaf greenness (SPAD units) (57.34-59.71), height (12.28-13.25 cm), canopy width (10.95-11.20 cm), stem diameter (12.29-14.25 mm), and yield (765.70-959.20 kg/rai) of Kale mushrooms. Therefore, it is simple to manufacture organic fertilizer from community waste materials, which can promote the growth and yield of Pak choi and Kale mushrooms.
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